Flavors of Fairfield: International Dining Adventure
Expiration: Aug 10th 2025
Go on a dining adventure in Fairfield, Ohio to celebrate National Food Month!
The ultimate foodie experience, Flavors of Fairfield, will take you on a culinary journey around the world to locally owned global eateries. Enjoy the flavors of Nepal, Peru, Thailand, Ghana, Dominican Republic, Italy, Mexico, China, and more. Check-in at four participating restaurants between April 10 – May 15 to earn your custom adventure spork medal souvenir, and check-in at eight eateries for your chance to win one of four Jungle Jim's International Market gift cards! (2) $1,000 and (2) $500 Jungle Jim's gift cards will be awarded.* Feast your eyes on delicacies from around the world and have the best time, foodies! Visit the rewards tab to redeem your custom adventure spork medal, this prize will be available for local pick up at Jungle Jim's International Market Fairfield, Fairfield Lane Library and the Travel Butler County office. The winners of the Jungle Jim’s International Market gift cards will be notified via phone and email.
*Travel Butler County reserves the right to verify all check ins and withhold prizes in the event of fraudulent activity.
Included Venues

See locations on an interactive map.